site.btaExhibition Marks 96 Years Since Beginning of Organized Caving in Bulgaria

A photography exhibition marking 96 years since the beginning of organized caving in Bulgaria will open on March 18 at the Lovers' Bridge near the National Palace of Culture (NDK), the organizers from the "Pod Raba" [under the edge] speleological club announced.
The official opening will be accompanied by a discussion. The exhibition features 60 photographs that reveal some of the most interesting and beautiful secrets of the underground world. "The exploration and study of caves in Bulgaria dates back to the end of the 19th century and is associated with the Shkorpil brothers. Their work was later continued by Dr. Ivan Buresh, and on March 18, 1929, the first speleological society was established. Since 1975, Bulgarian speleologists have been updating the Main Registry of Bulgarian Caves, where data and maps of more than 6,000 explored caves have been collected. Caves still hide 'blank spots on the planet,' where humans have yet to set foot," the speleological club recalled.
The author of the photographs is Milena Nenova – a speleologist, photographer, and member of the Pod Raba speleological club, the organizers said.
The Pod Raba speleological club has been actively involved in speleology for the past 15 years. The club promotes and develops speleology through organizing annual cave courses and expeditions, as well as actively participating in social campaigns to clean areas along the Iskar Gorge.