site.btaEuropean Music Festival, National Music Academy to Mark Legendary Composer Pantcho Wladigeroff's Birth Anniversary

The European Music Festival and the National Music Academy (NMA) will jointly celebrate the 126th birth anniversary of the distinguished Bulgarian composer Pantcho Wladigeroff (1899-1978) and the patronal holiday of the university - March 13, the organizers of Cantus Firmus Music Agency said on Tuesday. One of the two concerts will be held on Tuesday - a world premiere of Georgi Kostov's piano piece Paradigm G, in the interpretation of pianist Assoc. Prof. Liliya Kostova. The other event will take place on March 13.
On this occasion, the festival programme will present two concerts with the common title "Pantcho Wladigeroff and his students", which are part of the Wladigeroff Week initiative.
"As a longtime professor of composition and piano at the Music Academy, Pantcho Wladigeroff nurtured an entire generation of artists who have followed his musical footsteps and kept alive the memory of his colorful personality that combined authority, energy, and a unique sense of humor. The idea of the two events is to showcase the diversity of bright figures from the "Wladigeroff School". These are composers such as Alexander Raychev, Lazar Nikolov, Krassimir Kyurkchiyski, Parashkev Hadjiev, Tzvetan Tzvetanov, Alexander Yossifov, Georgi Kostov, Milko Kolarov, Julia Tsenova, Milcho Leviev. Their works, as well as compositions by Wladigeroff himself, will be performed at the two festival concerts", Cantus Firmus Music Agency added.
Performers in both programs are leading NMA faculty and PhD students at the Academy. Participating musicians will be the distinguished Galina Koycheva-Mircheva and Stoimen Peev (violin), Milla Mihova, Liliya Kostova and Gergana Nestorova, Daniela Dikova (piano), Kiril Manolov (baritone), Gabriela Georgieva (soprano), Peter Makedonski (trumpet), Sabrina Yordanova (bassoon), Atanas Karafezliev (trombone), the piano duo Desislava Shtereva - Evgeniya Simeonova.
The opening of the second evening will be especially solemn because of the participation of the student Academic Folklore Choir with conductor Vanya Moneva, who will present two songs by Krassimir Kurkchiyski. The ensemble was created in 2018 with the beginning of the introduction of folklore specialties at the Academy.