site.btaBTA Provides Its LIK Typeface to National Institute of Justice

BTA Provides Its LIK Typeface to National Institute of Justice
BTA Provides Its LIK Typeface to National Institute of Justice
Left to right: National Academy of Art Rector Georgi Yankov, BTA Director General Kiril Valchev, and National Institute of Justice Director Miglena Tacheva, Sofia, February 25, 2025 (BTA Photo/Blagoy Kirilov)

Bulgarian News Agency (BTA) Director General Kiril Valchev Tuesday provided to National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Director Miglena Tacheva the BTA's custom-made typeface, LIK. He said that the NIJ is the first Bulgarian institution which has requested to use LIK.

Valchev recalled that the typeface was presented at the BTA's birthday on February 16. Back then, the Bulgarian News Agency announced that all public institutions and organizations can use LIK freely. The typeface was created for BTA by the National Academy of Art using elements from the time of the Cyrillic alphabet's creation in Bulgaria in the 9th century. LIK combines Bulgarian aesthetic standards and contemporary trends in the world and the EU, the BTA Director General explained.

Valchev noted that the National Institute of Justice is a particularly significant institution because it is where the mandatory training of candidates for junior judges, junior prosecutors, junior investigators and the mandatory induction training of judges, prosecutors and investigators is carried out upon their appointment. In his words, the NIJ is also responsible for upgrading the qualification of magistrates and employees in the Ministry of Justice. 

NIJ Director Tacheva congratulated BTA and the National Academy of Art on the development of the LIK typeface and noted that "everything is hidden in the letters - our history, knowledge, culture and memory." She urged other Bulgarian institutions to join the BTA's initiative "I Use the LIK Font", Tacheva said. Our website will switch to LIK, but we will also put the logo of the typeface and "I Use the LIK Font", she added.

Valchev handed Tacheva the font, shaped like a 9th-century scroll. Through a QR code on the parchment, the National Institute of Justice will be able to start using LIK.

"We do not have any particular requirements for LIK users other than what we have seen the BBC has, which also has its own typeface and makes it available for use," Valchev explained. "Agreement is needed, and we insist that organisations using this font have an impeccable reputation, and that wherever possible, the name of the font should be stated and larger texts should read that the design was created by the National Academy of Art and commissioned by the BTA, along with the names of the specific artists," he added. "We have only two prohibitions - no amendments, which is also not permissible under the Copyright Act, and no use of obscene, defamatory, false content in the dissemination of written materials as well as no texts that promote violence and/or racial hatred," said the BTA Director General.







By 19:05 on 25.02.2025 Today`s news

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