site.btaBulgarian Museum Experts, American Experts in Non-Formal Education Meet at National Polytechnic Museum

The National Polytechnic Museum (NPTM) hosted a meeting with museum experts from across Bulgaria organized by the America for Bulgaria Foundation. John Falk and his wife Lynn Dierking, co-founders and co-directors of the Institute for Learning Innovation in Annapolis, Maryland, talked about their experience of museums and non-formal education, said the NPTM.
John Falk is a leading expert on "free-choice learning". He is known for his pioneering research and support for visitor-oriented methods in cultural institutions. His numerous publications cover topics such as visitor behaviour, learning outcomes, and the impact of exhibits and programmes in museums.
Lynn Dierking is a highly respected researcher and educator in the field of non-formal education, specializing in museums. She has worked on research projects related to visitor studies, learning in non-formal settings and the role of museums in education.
During their presentation, the experts addressed the questions "Why people visit museums (and why this is important). How can the visit, the museum experience and the outcomes be linked?" They discussed the ten key principles for creating a memorable museum experience and the importance of building bridges between museums and their visitors.
The meeting gave the Bulgarian museum community an opportunity to draw on the experience of the world's museums and to compare their achievements with Bulgaria's. The conclusion is that despite their much smaller financial resources, Bulgarian museums respond to the new trends in activities with various target groups of visitors.