site.btaAtlas of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria Available Online

Atlas of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria Available Online
Atlas of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Bulgaria Available Online

An atlas of immovable cultural heritage in Bulgaria is available on the website of the National Institute for Immovable Cultural Heritage (NIICH), NIICH said on Wednesday.

Its current beta version is available at It includes all Bulgarian sites on the World Heritage List and the Register of Archaeological Reserves, as well as between 10 and 15% of the monuments for which boundaries and prescriptions for protection have been set under the Cultural Heritage Act.

Other cultural heritage sites are also entered in the database, but only with their coordinates and status information.

The digital map has been created by the NIICH team. It will be updated with more sites and areas over the coming months. The atlas an effective tool for wide access to information, tracking trends and preserving the immovable cultural heritage, which can benefit citizens, local and state institutions, NIICH said.

More information about the atlas can be found on the NIICH website.




By 04:04 on 06.02.2025 Today`s news

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