site.btaArchaeologists Set at Finding Early Dionysus Temple at Perperikon Site

Archaeologists Set at Finding Early Dionysus Temple at Perperikon Site
Archaeologists Set at Finding Early Dionysus Temple at Perperikon Site
The rotunda mausoleums discovered at Perperikon in 2021 with analogues in Rome alone
Archaeologists have finally begun this year’s excavation season at the site of the ancient stone city of Perperikon, said Prof. Nikolai Ovcharov. After many delays, they will be able to get to their task of uncovering the secrets of the temple of Dionysus, added Ovcharov, who leads the exploration of the Peperikon complex in the Rhodope Mountains, Southern Bulgaria.

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By 23:43 on 23.02.2025 Today`s news

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