site.btaEducation Ministry Plans to Increase Number of Natural Sciences, Mathematics Lessons in High Schools

A significant increase in the number of high school lessons in natural sciences and mathematics, as well as in Bulgarian language and literature is planned, said Education and Science Minister of Krasimir Valchev at a meeting with school principals in Smolyan on Monday.
Valchev noted that such a change will seek balanced solutions to distortions in the education system, given the fact that reforms in the curriculum 25 years ago resulted in a focus towards foreign languages. "Now in high school we have more lessons in foreign languages than mathematics and natural sciences taken together, more than Bulgarian language," he stressed, noting that part of the foreign language lessons will probably be sacrificed.
The changes also envisage a small increase in the lessons in history, geography and economics, as well as civic education. "We believe that we need to give children a broader base of knowledge and skills," Valchev said, adding that this will make them more suitable for the professions of the future.
The reform of the curricula cannot be done quickly, he stressed, emphasizing that the planned changes will sacrifice part of the profiled training, with questions remaining about the vocational education classes in the curriculum. The students admitted so far will follow the current curricula, Valchev concluded.