site.btaRepair Works in Krivia Tunnel Through Kresna Gorge Are Completed

The Krivia Tunnel on road I-1 through the Kresna Gorge has new energy-efficient lighting, and the repair and restoration activities in the tunnel have been completed, the press centre of the Road Infrastructure Agency said on Monday.
The facility has new energy-efficient lighting, the pavement and horizontal markings have been renewed, the walls have been cleaned and painted. A lighting pole in front of one of the tunnel entrances has been replaced as well. The road maintenance company finished the repair and restoration works within the specified seven-day period, the agency noted.
The remaining flexible limiters are also to be gradually replaced. The installation of dividing posts in the 16-kilometer section of the first-class road has limited the possibility of unregulated overtaking and has increased traffic safety. Since June 2022, there has not been a single serious traffic accident on the section through the Kresna Gorge, the agency also stated.