site.btaBulgarian Navy Begins Triton Diving Exercise with International Participation

The Bulgarian Navy began its 4th annual diving exercise codenamed "Triton 2024" in the area of the Varna Naval Base and the Bulgarian territorial sea, the Navy Headquarters said in a press release on Tuesday.
The exercise involves naval personnel from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkiye, the US and France who specialize in destroying and safely disposing of ammunition under water.
The exercise is intended to enable participants to drill the procedures for planning, holding, reporting and analyzing a tactical-level naval exercise and to provide a dynamic training environment for practising various diving routines and techniques in an Allied format.
During "Triton 2024", conditions will be created for the application of standard tactics and techniques for floodlighting the underwater situation, anti-mine warfare, and deep-water diving assignments.
The participants focus on refining the level of interoperability and tactical-level personnel training for the conduct of diving and anti-mine operations in a coalition format. Detection, classification and safe disposal of unexploded ammunition, floating and bottom mines will be practised at sea.
"The topical relevance of such joint exercises and training events of such nature is conditioned by the radical change in the Black Sea region maritime security environment," the Navy press release reads. "The unpredictability of the threat posed by floating mines turns anti-mine operations into a daily routine for Allied navies."
"Only through enhanced cooperation and partnership can challenges be effectively addressed and Allies' security and stability guaranteed."