site.btaUPDATED European Chief Prosecutor Kovesi, Justice Minister Zarkov Talk by Videoconference

European Chief Prosecutor Kovesi, Justice Minister Zarkov Talk by Videoconference
European Chief Prosecutor Kovesi, Justice Minister Zarkov Talk by Videoconference
European Public Prosecutor's Office logo
A videoconference between the European Chief Prosecutor Laura Kovesi, and Bulgarian Justice Minister Krum Zarkov, took place Thursday afternoon. They discussed the conditions under which the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) operates in Bulgaria - more specifically, the general working conditions and working environment of the European Delegated Prosecutors, including the necessary assisting human resources. These fall under the responsibility of the competent national judicial authorities, as determined by Article 96(6) of the EPPO Regulation.

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By 16:04 on 22.02.2025 Today`s news

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