site.btaJustice Minister: OECD Membership Will Create Better Opportunities for Bulgarian Citizens

Justice Minister Georgi Georgiev Thursday took part in the Global Anti-Corruption and Integrity Forum of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris, the Justice Ministry said in a press release. The event was dedicated to harnessing innovations to transform the global fight against corruption and create new ways to promote transparency in the public and private sectors.
Within the forum, Georgiev met with OECD Deputy Secretary-General Mary Beth Goodman. He confirmed the Government's commitment to get Bulgaria in the OECD. "For Bulgaria, OECD membership will mean more foreign direct investment and, consequently, better opportunities for Bulgarian citizens," Georgiev said.
The Bulgarian Justice Minister also talked with Julia Fromholtz, Head of the Anti-Corruption Division in the OECD's Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs (DAF); Sandrine Hannedouche-Leric, Senior Anti-Corruption Legal Analyst in DAF, and Rima Bugaighis from OECD's Legal Directorate. They discussed Bulgaria's progress on the implementation of key OECD recommendations in the fight against corruption, including improvement of the penal legislation in relation to bribes and the administrative and penal liability for legal persons.