site.btaGross External Debt Stands at 57.1% of Projected GDP at End-March
Gross External Debt
Stands at 57.1%
of Projected GDP at End-March
Sofia, May 29 (BTA) - Bulgaria's gross external debt totalled 33,740.3 million euro (57.1 per cent of the projected GDP) at the end of March 2019, the Bulgarian National Bank said. Year on year, the gross external debt grew by 100.9 million euro (0.3 per cent).
Long-term liabilities totalled 25,328 million euro (75.1 per cent of the total debt, 42.8 per cent of GDP) at end-March 2019. Year on year, long-term liabilities decreased by 326.6 million euro (1.3 per cent).
Short-term liabilities stood at 8,412.3 million euro (24.9 per cent of the total debt, 14.2 per cent of GDP). Year on year, they grew by 427.5 million euro (5.4 per cent).
The General Government's gross external debt totalled 5,439.4 million euro (9.2 per cent of GDP) in end-March 2019. Year on year, it decreased by 204 million euro (3.6 per cent), the central bank said. LI/DD