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MEP Ivaylo Valchev: Europe Should Pursue Much More Realistic Economic Policies
MEP Ivaylo Valchev: Europe Should Pursue Much More Realistic Economic Policies
MEP Ivaylo Valchev, Strasbourg, February 12, 2025 (BTA Photo/Tatiana Marinova)

Bulgarian MEP Ivaylo Valchev (European Conservatives and Reformists Group/There Is Such a People) Wednesday told reporters in Strasbourg that Europe should conduct much more realistic economic policies. His comment came in the context of the European Parliament's debate on the Trump administration's tariff threats.

"I am satisfied with opinions we heard in plenary. In light of what we might call an emerging 'trade war' between the US and Europe, I am pleased to see that most groups are returning to common sense. A large group like the European People's Party has adopted our rhetoric and the conservative perspective that Europe needs to be rather more realistic about economic and industrial policies. It should stop talking about things like the 'Green Deal' and other similar programmes which sound nice but are pure ideology and even weaken Europe's economic resilience," Valchev said.

"The US has no eternal allies; it looks after its own interests," the MEP said.

Valchev was adamant that Europe must respond to this challenge collectively rather than on a country-by-country basis. "It must secure its markets and not lose jobs due to US-imposed tariffs and restrictions," he said. In his view, a "spirit of realism" prevailed during the debate on this issue in the European Parliament. 

He also talked about education as a priority in his work: "Education is not under the umbrella of the EU, it remains a national priority for each country. One of the topics I am working on is vocational education and the Directive on internships which is under preparation." In his view, the debate should focus on linking education with industry to ensure a skilled workforce for the industrial sector.

Regarding Bulgaria's domestic politics, Valchev highlighted as a positive development the fact that the country now has a regular government. He stressed that There Is Such a People had received congratulations at the European level for demonstrating what he said was "political wisdom".

"Politics sometimes means being able to make a compromise, to bring together the incompatible so as to achieve a specific goal," he said.

Asked by BTA if the new government would pass its first test - the adoption of the state budget - Ivaylo Valchev said: "I strongly hope that a realistic budget will be prepared, which will be far removed from the fanciful ones of recent years. I hope that a large portion of the MPs who will be voting on the budget will be realistic this time. We have already heard our colleagues from GERB making excuses that they did not like previous budgets but supported them out of coalition-related considerations. I am counting on smart, pragmatic people. Now that a government majority has come together, the logical thing would be for the same majority to support the budget. If this government fails to pass its own budget, there is no point in its existence at all."




By 22:57 on 12.02.2025 Today`s news

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