site.btaFebruary 10, 1988: First Massive Anti-government Rally under Communist Regime Held in Ruse

February 10, 1988: First Massive Anti-government Rally under Communist Regime Held in Ruse
February 10, 1988: First Massive Anti-government Rally under Communist Regime Held in Ruse
A rally against the chlorine pollution of Ruse (on the Danube) coming from neighbouring Romania, February 10, 1988 (BTA Archive Photo)

On February 10, 1988, a large rally was held against the constant chlorine pollution of Ruse (on the Danube) coming from Romania. Between 5,000 and 6,000 locals protested the government's failure to end the city's pollution. 

This became the first massive anti-government rally under the communist regime in Bulgaria, which fell on November 10, 1989.








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