site.btaTISP to Respond to GERB's Invitation for Talks, but Will Not Support Borissov for Prime Minister

There Is Such a People (TISP) Deputy Floor Leader Stanislav Balabanov said on Thursday that even before the invitation from GERB for talks to form a government came, TISP clearly stated that once they receive it, they will respond. Earlier in the day, the GERB-UDF negotiating team invited Democratic Bulgaria (without their coalition partner Continue the Change), BSP-United Left and TISP. The talks will take place the following week.
"TISP will go to these meetings with its clear expertise, specific legislative initiatives and a programme for governance which has fixed deadlines," explained Balabanov and stressed that TSIP will not support Boyko Borissov for prime minister. TISP wants to check how the first political power will lead this process, Balabanov said, noting: "Do they really want to seek a majority and work on priorities or will some activity be feigned next week in order to prepare a better date for elections?"
When asked whether TSIP is ready to enter into a coalition with GERB-UDF and the other two formations mentioned by Borissov, Balabanov replied that it is too early to tell. TSIP cannot support a government headed by Boyko Borissov as Prime Minister, but if there is a programme for governance with specific deadlines, with experts who will stand behind it with clear legislative measures, with a clear political majority, TISP can see if there is a will to move towards a majority, Balabanov said. He noted that in-depth talks are ahead on whether it is actually possible to move towards a right-wing government with a right-wing cabinet and a majority that will take political responsibility in this situation.
When asked if TISP would accept another political figure from GERB as prime minister, Balabanov said that if another candidate is named, their nomination will be discussed. Balabanov argued that in his personal opinion, the figure of a future prime minister must be consensual in order to unite the different profiles of majorities. He noted that he is moderately pessimistic about the chances of forming a regular government.