site.btaNumber of Women Applying for Funding from Centre for Assisted Reproduction, Couples Assisted Rises

Number of Women Applying for Funding from Centre for Assisted Reproduction, Couples Assisted Rises
Number of Women Applying for Funding from Centre for Assisted Reproduction, Couples Assisted Rises
Association Conception Photo

The number of women applying for funding from the Centre for Assisted Reproduction (CAR), as well as the number of applications accepted, orders issued for organizational and financial assistance, and couples referred for CAR-funded care, has been on the rise for the past three years, CAR Director Maria Georgieva told BTA on Friday.

In the period November 4-10 is celebrated the European Fertility Week, which is initiated by Fertility Europe, Association Conception said. This year's campaign is dedicated to gamete donation in the treatment of infertility, said Association Conception. The European Fertility Week this year goes under the motto The Gamete Story with the aim is to raise awareness about gamete donation and the need for legal changes, Association Conception Chair Stefka Zaharieva told BTA. 

The number of couples funded by CAR for 2023 was 4,835, and 2,552 in the first half of 2024, Georgieva said. The number of couples in 2023 has increased by 1.28% compared to 2022, confirming the trend of steady growth established since 2018. 

The number of couples in the first half of 2024 was 2,552, up from 2,426 in the first half of 2023 - an increase of 5.19 % from the first half of 2023, she added.

The Center for Assisted Reproduction funds up to four IVF trials. In 2023, 5,564 applications were accepted for organizational and financial assistance with CAR funds, an increase of 50 from 2022. 

In the first six months of 2024, 2,754 applications for organizational and financial assistance with CAR funds were accepted. In 2023, 5,549 orders were issued, including 50 refusal orders for organizational and financial assistance.

In the first half of 2024, 2691 orders were served. 

In 2023, the average age of female patients was 35 and remained the same compared to that of past years, Georgieva added. Traditionally, the largest number of female patients is in the 30-35 age group, with 1,776 patients in 2023 (37% of all patients funded for the period), followed by female patients in the 36-39 age group. 

Between 2021 and 2023, the relative share of applicants from different age groups has been maintained. On average per year, 16.34% of applicants were under the age of 30, 36.81% of applicants were in the 30-35 age group, 25.10% of applicants in the 36-39 age group and 21.71% of applicants were over the age of 39, Georgieva added. 




By 10:54 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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