site.btaVazrazhdane MP Candidate in Vratsa Region Prioritizes Maintenance of Local Roads, Riverbeds

In a TV interview, as quoted by his party press centre, Ivaylo Papov, Vazrazhdane MP candidate in the Vratsa multimember constituency, insisted on urgent investment and specific measures to ensure the safety of local residents and the development of the region. Papov expressed serious criticisms of the state of infrastructure in the Vratsa region.
According to Papov, the repair of the main road connecting Botevgrad and Mezdra has left serious consequences on the alternative routes used during the works.
In addition to the need to repair the roads, Papov also focused on the problem of maintaining the riverbeds and streams in the region. He said lack of regular maintenance leads to serious hazards to residents, their homes and farm animals. He said there is a need for more effective management of these processes, which should include not only crisis response but also preventive measures to ensure the safety and sustainability of the region in the long term.