site.btaVazrazhdane's Todorova Prioritizes Clean Air, Better Parking in Veliko Tarnovo

Aleksandra Todorova, Vazrazhdane's second placed candidate for the Veliko Tarnovo constituency, listed three priorities she would have as a potential MP: tackling air pollution in Tarnovo by raising environmental standards for polluters, addressing parking problems in the tourist part of the city, addressing insufficient water supply in some settlements by including them to the Aleksandar Stamboliyski reservoir water supply system.
Todorova has been a member of Vazrazhdane for four years. She holds degrees in Business Management and Communications and Management from the Technical University in Gabrovo and in Construction of Buildings and Facilities from Higher School of Civil Engineering Lyuben Karavelov. She is studying for a master's degree in web technologies and software development at St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo.