site.btaBulgarian Consul General in Chicago Participates in Congress of Macedonian Patriotic Organization in USA and Canada

The Consul General of Bulgaria in Chicago Svetoslav Stankov took part in the 103rd Congress of the Macedonian Patriotic Organization in the USA and Canada (MPO) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the Bulgarian diplomatic representative announced on his Facebook profile.
The Macedonian Patriotic Organization elected as its president Canadian Nick Stefanov, who is a descendant of Bulgarians from Macedonia and president of the Holy Trinity church in Toronto, part of the Bulgarian Patriarchate.
For the first time in decades, the MPO elected a Bulgarian-born immigrant as a member of its Central Committee - Krasimir Kostov, who is the president of the local MPO club in Chicago, Pirin.
The MPO club Pirin in Chicago organized a discussion on the life and work of the former leader of IMRO - Todor Alexandrov, which coincided with the centenary of the death of the great Bulgarian revolutionary in 1924.
The Macedonian Patriotic Organisation adopted resolutions in defence of the rights of the Bulgarians in North Macedonia, as well as for the European development of the country.
The organization said that the government, the political opposition and the public in North Macedonia should unite in support of amending its constitution to recognize the Macedonian Bulgarians as a constituent people of the republic, along with other groups, and thus continue negotiations for accession to the European Union.
The governments of Bulgaria and North Macedonia should quickly improve bilateral relations based on mutual respect and continue their strategic dialogue, which began with the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Good Neighbourliness on August 2, 2017, and work to implement the decisions listed in the minutes of the meetings of the Joint Intergovernmental Commission held in 2019 and 2022, the release says.