site.bta European Commission Requests Bulgaria to Respect EU Rules on Freedom of Establishment, Free Movement of Services

European Commission Requests Bulgaria to Respect EU Rules on Freedom of Establishment, Free Movement of Services

Brussels, September 25 (BTA correspondent Nikolay Jeliazkov) -
The European Commission Thursday requested Bulgaria to respect
EU rules on freedom of establishment and free movement of
services (Directive 2006/123/EC on services in the internal

Bulgaria sets minimum tariffs for services provided by
veterinarians which restrict freedom of establishment and
freedom to provide services for foreign service providers, the
opinion says. Under the Veterinary Practices Act, every year the
Bulgarian authorities set the minimum prices for veterinary
activities excluding activities on the control, eradication and
prevention of animal diseases.

If Bulgaria does not abolish the scale of minimum tariffs for
veterinarians, market access will continue to be significantly
restricted as it prevents new operators entering the market from
competing on the price of veterinary services. This eventually
denies customers from acquiring services at another price. So
far this tariff requirement has not been repealed and the
Commission therefore requests Bulgaria, in the form of a
reasoned opinion, to take action to fully comply with EU rules.

If the Bulgarian authorities fail to act within two months, the
Commission may refer the case to the EU Court of Justice, the
press release says.



By 01:19 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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