site.bta BDC Group Cannot Say Whether They Will Support Future Cabinet until They Learn of Cabinet's Priorities

BDC Group Cannot Say Whether They Will Support Future Cabinet until They Learn of Cabinet's Priorities

Sofia, November 3 (BTA) - Emerging from talks with President
Rosen Plevneliev on Monday, the floor leader of the
parliamentary group of the Bulgarian Democratic Centre (BDC),
Svetlin Tanchev, noted that his group cannot say whether they
will support the future cabinet until they learn of the
cabinet's priorities.

"As soon as the elections were over, we stated that who will
become prime minister is not the most important question. The
most important thing is to see what programme will be
implemented in the next four years. Only then can we consider
who could carry out that programme," Tanchev said. He added that
 the power-holders should work to create new jobs and promote
electronic government.

BDC's meeting with President Plevneliev was one of a series of
discussions which the head of state started with the
parliamentary forces last Friday. The sides are discussing
pressing tasks and reforms and the priorities of the new
Parliament. The BDC delegation to the meeting at the President's
 Administration comprised the group's Floor Leader Svetlin
Tanchev, Deputy Floor Leaders Kuncho Filipov and Roumen Yonchev,
 and Lyuben Dilov Jr.

Yonchev said that conducting new elections is not the best
possible solution. BDC believes that Bulgaria needs a political
majority based on a broad foundation and having a long-term

Plevneliev will be meeting with the Patriotic Front later on



By 14:13 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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