site.btaIndustrialists Demand Streamlining of Various Regulations Impeding Business


Industrialists Demand
Streamlining of Various Regulations
Impeding Business

Sofia, October 30 (BTA) - Representatives of the Dobri
Zhelyazkov academic and industrial club Thursday met with GERB
leader Boyko Borissov. They required streamlining of the
various regulations which impede business and which should be
performed as part of the ongoing administrative reform, Sasho
Donchev of the Bulgarian Industrial Association told reporters
in Parliament.
Donchev said that at the moment "2,200 regulatory,
registration, licensing and other regimes harass the Bulgarian
entrepreneurs". He added that suggestions and concrete steps to
tackle the issue will be made next week. LY /ZH/



By 17:20 on 27.02.2025 Today`s news

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