site.btaFourth Review of Higher Schools: Facts and Figures

NW 12:08:01 02-12-2014

Fourth Review
of Higher Schools:
Facts and Figures

Sofia, December 2 (BTA) - The fourth review of higher schools in
Bulgaria shows that people who have graduated in one of ten
groups of university subjects will normally earn over 1,000 leva
in average monthly contributory income. These groups of
subjects are: military sciences, informatics and computer
sciences, prospecting and extraction of natural resources,
mathematics, public health, communication and computer
technology, medicine, metallurgy, political sciences, and
electrical engineering, electronics and automatics.

The review, which reveals the situation in 2014, was presented
by analyst Georgi Stoichev and the Ministry of Education and
Science on December 1.

The findings show that the average university-degree holder in
Bulgaria earns 867 leva a month and the official rate of
unemployment among university-degree holders is 3.77 per cent.
Only 46 per cent of them work in positions which require a
university degree.

People who have studied medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, or
military sciences, are least likely to remain unemployed and
most likely to practise what they have learned in university.
Unemployment among them is less than 1 per cent, and over 90 per
cent of them practise what they have studied.

Sofia University is ranked first in 21 groups of subjects, while
the Medical University in Sofia and the Technical University in
Sofia are ranked first in five groups of subjects each. The
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, also in the
capital, is ranked first in three groups of subjects. In nine
cases, the national leaders are based outside Sofia.

The two most common groups of university subjects:
administration and management, and economics, are taught,
respectively, in 29 and 26 higher schools.

According to the review, Bulgaria has 51 higher schools which
currently enroll 237,938 students, including 197,108 students in
state-run universities and 40,890 in privately-run
universities, said Maria Furtounova, leader of the review and
Director for Higher Education in the Ministry of Education and

There are 4,962 doctoral candidates, including 4,823 in
state-run higher schools and 139 in privately-run higher
schools, Furtounova said.

A total of 10,140 foreign students are pursuing their university
studies in Bulgaria, including 8,533 in state-run universities
and 1,607 in privately-run establishments.

Bulgarian universities employ 19,835 educators. Approximately
18,000 of them work in state-run establishments. PK/VE




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