site.btaJustice Minister Criticizes SJC for New Case Assignment Software Public Procurement

Justice Minister Criticizes SJC for New Case Assignment Software Public Procurement

Sofia, December 18 (BTA) - Justice Minister Hristo Ivanov
Thursday criticized the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) for
launching a public procurement procedure for new computer
software for random assignment of cases in the judicial system.

On a proposal from Supreme Administrative Court President Georgi
 Kolev, the SJC said on Wednesday it was launching a procedure
for writing of new computer software for the assignment of cases
 in the judicial system.

Ivanov told journalists that the actions of the SJC are
disconcerting because "those who deny the software will now be
making a new one" themselves, which does not seem right.

According to Ivanov, the new application should be made with the
 help of external experts and after analysis of the report
prepared by the IT specialists of the judicial system. Without
such an analysis it is very worrying, he said, adding that the
Technical University has sent a letter offering its expert
assistance. The Justice Minister recalled one of the conclusions
 of the judicial system's experts who said a temporary solution
could be developed for about 20,000 leva.



By 16:58 on 28.02.2025 Today`s news

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