site.bta Record-high Number of Patients with Heart Attacks Admitted in Sofia Emergency Aid Hospital during the Christmas Holidays
Record-high Number of Patients with Heart Attacks Admitted in Sofia Emergency Aid Hospital during the Christmas Holidays
Sofia, December 26 (BTA) - A record-high number of patients with heart attacks were admitted in the Pirogov emergency aid hospital from December 23 to 26, Doctor Ivan Martinov, head of the Cardiology Ward in the hospital, said. The youngest patient was 32, and the oldest, 76.
Doctors attribute the high incidence of heart attacks with going out into the cold from a warm home, excessive eating of nuts and meat, and excessive intake of alcohol.
A total of 1,400 people went to be seen by a doctor at the Pirogov hospital during the Christmas holidays, 200 of whom were admitted for treatment.
No patients with injuries from fireworks were admitted but still the doctors warn people to be careful when handling fireworks.