site.bta90 Years Rotary in Bulgaria Exhibition Opens in Kazanlak

90 Years Rotary in Bulgaria Exhibition Opens in Kazanlak
90 Years Rotary in Bulgaria Exhibition Opens in Kazanlak
90 Years Rotary in Bulgaria exhibition in Kazanlak (Photo: Kazanlak Museum of Photography)

An exhibition entitled 90 Years Rotary in Bulgaria will be opened on November 11 at the Kazanlak Museum of Photography, said the museum on Wednesday. The exhibition is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the foundation of the first Rotary Club in Sofia, and presents the portraits with brief information about the first Rotarians in Bulgaria.

At the exhibition, photographs, stories and a screening of the film Plucked by the Roots will be presented. The film is dedicated to the memory of Prof Dimitar Atanasov, the last president of the Rotary Club in Sofia before its forced closure. The dramatic plot of the film revives facts from the biography of the scientist, Rotarian and statesman with a huge contribution to Bulgaria.

The Kazanlak Rotary Club was founded on April 26, 1996 by Iliyan Donchev. Annually, on a rotating basis, the club elects its new president, and the current president with a mandate of 2024-2025 is Dimitar Minchev, Executive Director of Spring Factory AD in the town of Kren. The club's priorities remain the spheres of social issues and children's education.

Rotary is a global organization dedicated to making a positive difference in communities around the world. With more than 1.4 million members in 180 countries, the clubs collaborate on projects aimed at solving pressing problems in the areas of poverty, education, health, the environment and more.




By 06:54 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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