Naval Academy Rector: RSV 421 Crew Showed Exceptional Professionalism during Voyage to Antarctica

Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (NVNA) Rector, Flotilla Admiral Prof. Boyan Mednikarov, Tuesday said the crew of the Bulgarian naval research vessel Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodii (RSV 421) showed exceptional professionalism during its voyage to Antarctica and back. He was at the welcome ceremony for the ship which returned in Varna from its 127-day voyage to Livingston Island late on Monday.

Mednikarov is satisfied with the results achieved by the ship during the 31st Bulgarian Antarctic expedition. All assignments were accomplished, as well as some additional tasks.

He said the 32nd Antarctic expedition, which is to start at the end of the year,  will transport the structures of the new polar laboratory.

Now that the ship is back, it will have to be reconditioned, the NVNA Rector said. Cadets will have practical training on RSV 421 in the summer. It may also participate in two naval exercises and will perform specific tasks set by the Navy Command using the ship's navigation and hydrographic capabilities.

By 09:01 on 05.02.2025 Today`s news

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